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Yeraini Esther Suero Manzueta

Yeraini Esther Suero Manzueta

Every month

Dominican Republic

Hogar de Ninos Tia Tatiana

Female | Age: 11 | Birthdate: February 24, 2012

Yeraini lives with her family in the impoverished area of Herrera where her household responsibilities include cleaning and washing dishes. The typical home is made from cement blocks, with a cement floor. Most of these homes have intermittent electricity, and they must purchase their drinking water. Unemployment, domestic violence, drugs and local gangs are common social issues which make life more challenging for Yeraini. She enjoys drawing and art and her favorites school subject is math. Please remember Yeraini in your prayers. Your love and support will help Yeraini receive the assistance she needs to develop to her full potential.

More about Hogar de Ninos Tia Tatiana...

Herrera is an inner-city slum in Santo Domingo where drugs, gangs, and prostitution are just a few ways people try to survive. Neighborhood children are often exposed to dangerous lifestyles that perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Hogar de Niños Tia Tatiana is a K-12 school in the heart of Herrera where our Local Heroes show the love of God to their students by providing education, nutritious food, and discipleship.